


i am not siding with barry on his views necessarily,but,i don't care who you are,what reason you use, rebodying is illegal. period.
anybody out there,i don't care what state you live in,when you remove the VIN tag from one vehicle and put it on another, it is against the law. there is no "grey" area in the law. it doesn't matter if you have a rust bucket 1 of 1 hemi cuda sitting there,and have a rustfree slant 6 barracuda,and swap the VIN,tags,numbers to that car to "save an important,rare car",you have committed fraud. there is no justification. there is no grey area. it is illegal. think you have done no wrong? make sure when you get that rebodied car done,and got to license it,make sure and tell the DMV,that you swapped the VIN tags on the car. we will read your next post on here from jail......

In that case,yes it is illegal but the gray area is when you are restoring a very rusty car and replacing a lot of metal on it and some still will call it a re-body even though the main structure is still there.I have also seen people get jumped on for merely innocently mentioning the word re-body.

There is nothing innocent about it. Rebody a car and then go to the "authorities" and see how it goes. A guy I know flushed his life down the drain rebodying tractors and backhoes. I think he is pulling 5 years after he used what was left of a multimillion dollar fortune to pay the lawyers.

That is that "gray area" though, right?

Boy,we sure got away from the OP's original question.