
Anyone that removes their VIN tag & sends it through the mail for any purpose is an idiot, I will say that.

No Barry, the comment above is what makes you a self serving Liar when it comes to watching out for the hobby. It hasn't been but maybe 6 months ago when you were complaining about not having a well paying job and just being able to make ends meet. Maybe if you spent more attention on your own shortcomings you wouldn't have the time to peruse Chrysler forums to bash those people who feel differently than you! Many people do not like me on this forum but it is NOT for criticizing and putting my nose where it doesn't belong. What would you think if I constantly jumped on people because they were not restoring their vehicle in a manner that I thought was conducive to MY preferences? I could spend all day bashing the way people choose to treat THEIR property. That's all that you and your other "verification" buddies seem to enjoy doing. You boycott and use your "authority" to blackball or ruin the people (in the Hobby) that you claim to support and serve! I don't care if 95% of your time is well spent and being helpful. It is the 5% of "Got you" garbage that RUINS the majority of what you offer.

There are people who rub me wrong but I don't use my influence and reputation to "go after" or "get even" with them. That is how you jerks abuse this so called Power that you seem to feel you have control over. When that garbage starts to take place you have forgot what originally brought you into this arena and then proceed to destroy the "reputation" you have established. Provide your service and keep your opinion to yourself as it pertains to other hobbyist's feelings and desires. I think that ECS sells the highest quality decals but I don't constantly ridicule and condemn people who buy products from the other label suppliers. Present the facts and let the people choose however they feel. They are not as ignorant as you think they are. There are some really amazing talents in this MOPAR industry! It has NEVER been about what you do Barry, it is about abusing the "power" that you have been GIVEN by the people that owe you nothing! Use it to help and not destroy those who don't see eye to eye with you.