Don't get me wrong, I think having a tag made up that shows a car having different options than it was originally built with should be a crime, but I think people get carried away with the tag issue sometimes.
I find it very conspicuous when I see a restored car with no tag, it sticks out like a sore thumb. To me, it is like seeing a car with no grille or similar. Also, when I see a restored car with its original tag that has been blasted and repainted after obviously being in bad shape, it also looks pretty conspicuous. You wouldn't replate a rusty dented bumper and then install the dented pitted but shiny piece on your restoration? But I do get the feeling that some here would have someone thrown in jail for life if they put their rusty tag in a safe with the car's title and other paperwork, and have a repro made to install on their restored car.
I have heard these stories of tags getting stolen off cars when they are displayed at shows. Does this really happen or is it sort of a urban legend type thing? With the crowds at car shows I attend, I have a hard time thinking that someone would walk up and start unscrewing a tag thinking no one would notice and intervene?
But if it does happen, I have two cars that have original tags on them, I question if I should have repro tags made and lock the originals up? Or would that make me a criminal in some people's eyes?
This issue always turns into arguments as everyone has a strong opinion it seems, but I really think there are a lot more legitimate reasons to have a repro tag made than bad intent reasons.