why would you want a fender tag made anyway???
like stated earlier,if you bought a car and the fender tag was missing,that was your choice. live with it. who cares if it's there or not? all the tag is going to show is what options and equipment the car had on it originally,according to your broadcast shett. if it's your car,who cares. enjoy it for what the car is,how it is. if you are that concerned with someone seeing your fendertag,so you can proclaim to the world that "this is how this car came from the factory"
then you are doing it only for the intent to re sell or make someone think your car is worth more than it is with the intent of selling. period. call it you want,but,i see no other reason.period. and don't say,i just want the duplicate tag on my car because i just want it there,or,it will make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside,or blah,blah,blah. really,you don't have to lie to have friends.
you are probably the same kind of person,who would take the VIN tag,fender tag,title,and saw out the body numbers from a rusty car,put them all on another car,and claim it is still the original car,etc,etc, and claim it's "ok",its just "re-bodying".lol