
We STILL have not heard an answer to the main question. When Galen and Barry ask for documentation, by whose authority are they requesting it and what do they do with it? b]

I can not speak for Galen anymore than I could speak for you. But as for me.....

If I have an original item, I request proof of legal ownership if an owner wants to claim it. If the item is in my control, whose authority would I need but mine?

Case in point.

80 some broadcast sheets sold on Ebay as a collection years ago. I was the high bidder. One of them was for a JS27V0B shaker hood car. Several people contacted me & tried to claim it the first week it was posted in the found section of HH.

I asked all of them for proof of ownership & did not hear from any of them again.

I still have it.

I also know that the NICB on occasion checks the VIN data on the site. If they have a question, they email. Not often, but it it has happened.

They have also blocked VINs I have reported from ever being registered again that I have reported from illegal sales.

I do not sell, or manufature anything that you do. I work with some of the same agencies you do, just at a different level. I do not see that you & I are in any competion at all?

Sure, I can occasionally spot one of your products as not being an original. You do great work. At the same time, if a seller is trying to pass that item off as original & a potential buyer asks me about it, I tell them.

Honest buyers deserve honest sellers. Not all sellers represent items of the car for sale in an honest manner. It has no reflection on your work or it's quality.

I try to protect buyers from sellers that do not tell the whole story.

Thanks for not marketing the broadcast sheets! Once again, I do appreciate that.
