I dont think you can read all these posts without wanting to throw in my worth. I kind of flip back and forth and even struggle to keep up with all the valid and invalid point.

I do feel strongly about some things though. I truely believe that Dave and Barry and others who view and side with "each" side are honorable men. While having two different views I believe both have valid points and each have the hobby in mind. I do believe that if a man has a legitimate build sheet he should have right to a fender tag. Should perhaps this fender tag have a COPY on it?? I dunno. I do believe at times some in here set themselves up as GOD or the unofficial police chief. I get irritated at times with this. But its better to error on the safe side than on the "do whatever you want side".

I have my car register on Barry site because I thought it neat for me and the hobby to register my car. I have nothing to hide. Its just a non numbers matching 383 RT/SE California car. Those cars never had much documentation. I would like to have a build sheet. I wouldnt have an issue with COPY being written on it. With that being said, I dont want to be called a thief or be called out in shame and disgrace in front of everyone.

So I dont know what side is right. I think both. In a way I like Barry working on his end docuementing things and keeping an eye on the hobby. I dont think the man makes much money on what he does. If he doesnt wish to help someone I guess that is his right. He gets a bit overboard and out of shape and occasionally God like in his unofficial authority and rules maker. But as there are too few of his kind overseeing the hobby. Therefore I sometimes overlook his overzealousness.

Dave, represents a different mindset in the hobby. I have no doubt of his skills and talents in working in a business capacity with various moter vehicle enforcement agencies (DMV etc). I belive him to be an honest man too. His views carry alot of weight with me, and I see where he is coming from. By and large I agree with him on most of his points. Anyone who has been here for sometime now like myself knows he has that extraordinary "sharp tongue". You would swear he was from New York. (a pun from a southern boy).

So both men I do admire and both have a solid following and our hobby is divided in two camps. I care about this subject even though after this car I probably wont have another Mopar except for an A body or two. Alot of politics go on here, and it reminds me of our own governing body. Two different camps, two descerning different points of view. Our hobby will grow stronger because of it.

I dont believe a fender tag should be available to just anyone without documentation, but I think a fender tag should be available with real documentation. Could we split the middle with the fender tag having COPY written on it, or is that a dumb idea.