

6 pages of posts and yet no responses hardly to my questions that originaly started this topic. it is more a Barry aginst Dave post now.

Hello Dave. My initial post WAS in response to your ordeal. I was trying to convey how rudely you were treated by someone who has no more authority than you or anyone else who has posted here.

I want to make something perfectly clear. Nowhere have I ever stated that criminal, deceptive or manipulative practices should be allowed in this Hobby or anywhere else!! My only point was that these guys who go around verifying and certifying your automobiles, have no more credibility than the "Customers" they charge to "validate" their cars. They are a perfect parallel comparison to the "Clown" in the Holiday Inn Express commercials.

For those who have no idea what ECS Automotive Concepts is all about (or authorized to do) we are a branch/extension of the Automobile Manufactures Association, a Licensed vendor to reproduce Federal VIN Labels for the Automobile manufacturers, a Licensed and Certified OE label supplier for CODA Electric Cars and a preferred vendor for almost every Major Insurance Company. We also work with Federal Agencies as they relate to the Automotive Industry. We are currently working with the CIC and SCRS to change some of the Laws that Govern the VIN program.

Now I know that we pale in comparison to Barry and Galen when it comes to credentials but we are certainly trying to expand our boundaries. In response to people like "SomeCarGuy" who try and group us as some type of illegitimate Company......think whatever you want! I couldn't care less if you assume we have "fake cars" or what ever else a person with an IQ of room temperature thinks. They are all Fake! Especially the four door Valiant. It use to be a HEMI Dart but we made it into a Slant Six. I must admit that guy is a genius....he figured it out! I suggest that he continue to "go down to the local jail" hang out with the "scummy guys" while us honest Authorized and Certified people handle the big stuff! Of course I could do like the "other guys" and use my "Authority" to contact my friends/agencies and make sure that people like "SomeCarGuy" are up to speed in the car he is driving somewhere in Kentucky! (You're not as hidden as you think! We know who you are.)

(Sorry for using the last part of the post to go off topic Dave! Happy Holidays!!)

Little kids get upset when adults tell them they can't do whatever they want. We obviously have some guys on here that want to do whatever they want and think anybody that has the audacity to question their motives must be out to ruin their lives by infringing on their right to do anything and everything that they deem acceptable.

Go ahead and ask the "authorities" if you can just change whatever you please on any car. Not just fender tags, but rebodies, characters in VIN numbers, you name it. You'll find out that we have laws for a reason, even if you feel those laws infringe on your "right" to do whatever you want to do. The fender tags may be a "gray area" that you and other like minded feel is OK to play with.

Getting upset when people in the hobby point out the problems w/ fake tags, BC sheets, or rebodied cars is childish. Making a villian out of somebody that dares to attempt to curb the problem with forged stuff is pretty telling of your true character and intentions in the hobby.