
The people do.....

That was just about the type of answer I was expecting. Isn't it ironic that they have no Real authority but fabricate fancy paper work with THEIR Official Stamping/Moniker of Legitimacy as if THAT somehow adds credence to their worthiness!?! I have received COUNTLESS phone calls from people (with horror stories) that have been taken advantage of regarding the kind and generous actions from these Authorities.

The original poster said he was treated rudely for his thoughts as it pertained to dealing with one of these respected authorities! How could this have possibly happened to one of the "people" since they were instrumental in establishing this level of authority? Shouldn't you be extra nice to those who ALLOW you to continue operating under such anemic and false pretenses? Maybe when the "people" see things for what they are, they will take back this unsubstantiated and benevolent authority.