
i guess i missed somewhere over the years,where this(and alot of other) site went from a forum/hangout/knowledge base for a shared love of our beloved brand/cars of choice,to an over zealous,flamboyant,greedy, pissing contest over papers and stampings.
the majority of this whole she-bang centers around the more high-end and rarer cars and their equipment. i don't understand what the big deal over it is anyway. most of you,who have your nose in the air,because you think you are better than others,because you have a 440-6 car or hemi car,or the like,don't actually drive the cars and enjoy them anyway. so,why such a fuss over having all these scads of documentation???? i mean hell,once you and your click of snot-nosed experts have stood around rubbing each others azzes and sipping your cappachinos for a year or two,it's got to get old at some point. i am a diehard mopar lover,and the best part of these cars,is driving and enjoying them. sorry,but an extremely well documented,rare,1 of blah,blah,blah hemi cuda doesn't make me quiver in my shorts. hotrodding,and having fun is the best time of it.

I have no issues with you hodrodding your car any way you care to.. I hope you drive your hotrod half as much as I drive mine... You want to build a Hemicuda, what can I do to help.. I have no problem with that.. You get it running & wanna go for a cruise, I'm there... Wanna take it to the track, lets go... But why would you feel the need to have numbers & documents that show it's something it isn't?? People will tell you they aren't trying to deceive anyone yet there is no other possible explanation...