"If a reproduction tag is made (see MY definition above) & the car is up for sale, the seller should mention it & include both tags."
"Personally, I do not care if a reproduction tag is in italic font as long as..."
"I would have the tag made then send it to them. In one case a factory error was corrected that bugged the owner, it simply needed a space inserted."
"I still made the owners jump through some hoops."
"I did offer a service for a short while in 2005 where I would help folks with broadcast sheets with their tag layouts for a fee."
"I would have the tag made then send it to them."
"I point out FAKE tags"
"I chose to protect unwary buyers from the bottom feeders who prey on them."

Ok GOD (Dave) has spoken....for better or worse, every since them roles of fake blank BC sheets got posted and saying none got out and then it became clear at least one did...hmmm

Behind all your cars money and BS there are many feel your just as much as the problem as anyone else.

That is the perception of some, reality...only you know Dave.

It dont matter how many names you toss around, how you have done this,that ect...many dont care.

You it seems have much more of an agenda in the mopar world then most.

Just keeping those rolls of BC sheets around for conversation I guess, huh?

Who are you anyway?...who cares.