Well now call me confused. Are the Broadcast Sheets for sale? Not for sale?

Because they sure are attractive, and being shown as though a sale might be pending.

Disclosure: I don't know ECS, Barry, Govier. I know nobody.

I ask because in the 4-24-2010 Broadcast Sheet thread there was a post from DLW4REAL, now ECS (Dave) that is relevant. Dave/DLW4REAL/ECS states that it took him three years of detailed effort to produce those sheets, at a cost of $22k.

One sheet was then created to test Govier, without his knowledge. Others would use the description to trick, to fool, to trap, to dupe, or to fake out, but Dave/DLW4REAL/ECS used the word test. Test, because he felt challenged by GG seven years earlier.

Result: Dave/DLW4REAL/ECS states he was completely successful in the test, GG was fooled and didn't know it until the public announcement on April 24.

Now, after 7 years, $22,000 and 3 years of work, and a successful test, the sheets are being flashed (shown, posted, presented, bragged about, touted, advertised?, boasted, waved, teased or something).

So, just to verify, they are not for sale? Or are they for sale?

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