
....I can assure you that no money is made here, I lose money......I deffinately have opinions.

Then maybe you should charge more for selling your "opinions" and CD's etc..... It doesn't take a genius to see that guys like you are no different than those you criticize! They feel one way, you feel another. You don't like their way of thinking so you treat them rudely! Who gave you the right to "fix" a factory error and it still be considered correct? I think you ruined the tag for that person but I guess when you make the rules for the "factory" and everyone else, that is considered okay. You can change fender tags the "right" way but other people who change them do it the "wrong" way! A first grader could read your responses and see the self proclaimed authority you seem to feel you have a right to. You reference the term "I" more than an optometrist does throughout their entire career! Again, what agency do you work for that has commissioned you to make the comments that you come here and so boldly express? Maybe you could perform a "citizens arrest" on me (like Gomer Pyle used to do) for disagreeing with your opinions!

"If a reproduction tag is made (see MY definition above) & the car is up for sale, the seller should mention it & include both tags."
"Personally, I do not care if a reproduction tag is in italic font as long as..."
"I would have the tag made then send it to them. In one case a factory error was corrected that bugged the owner, it simply needed a space inserted."
"I still made the owners jump through some hoops."
"I did offer a service for a short while in 2005 where I would help folks with broadcast sheets with their tag layouts for a fee."
"I would have the tag made then send it to them."
"I point out FAKE tags"
"I chose to protect unwary buyers from the bottom feeders who prey on them."