"I feel pretty good, considering what a long week this was", I stated as we watched the remaining drama of the final hours play out.
Dale chuckled, "You passed out over there under the canopy before we turned in our slips!"
"Yeah, after you unceremoniously kicked Dad out of that nice little bed he had fashioned", Boone added.
"I'm sure he's right back on it at this point", I shook my head, "besides, I was just resting my eyes for a minute while you tried the summon the strength to walk to the tower!"
"You were full on snoring for like twenty minutes...back me up Boone!"
"Yep", Boone shook his head, "leg twitching, mumbling something that sounded like I wish I had a big block, and Rachael had to wipe the drool off your face twice, pretty embarrassing!"
"Never happened, but I do remember it took Dad and I both to get you out of that chair", I poked back at Dale.
"Speaking of the tower, What was that conversation you were having with Tonya Turk when you picked up your final slip?" Boone questioned, deftly changing the subject.
"It was kinda odd, because she asked me if we still enjoyed the event, then finished by answering her own question with an offhand comment about the fact that we keep coming back every year", I explained.
"How did you respond to that?" Dale questioned with a shrug.
"Well, I felt it was confirmation that she either read my negative comments about Friday last year, or she had them relayed to her, so I just owned it and explained that year after year when a problem arises, they figure out a way to fix it the next year, so we trust them to make that happen."
"She was happy with that answer?" Boone asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I think she knew it was genuine", I shrugged, "She's got a pretty sensitive BS meter, and I appreciate the fact that she cares...they all care, otherwise it wouldn't continue to grow every year!"

No sooner had those words left my mouth than Freiburger and Lohnes let it be known over the loud speakers that they had just quit caring! Up until then, they had really been on point with all the remaining class battles, as they were getting text updates from Hot Rod.com's Phillip Thomas and statistician Eric Rood, but with an hour and a half left of Class Cars they made an announcement of their own.
"Guys, we've made announcement after announcement rounding up parts for you all week. Bolts, electronic stuff, carb stuff, u-joints..."
"We even found a rack for a 240Z, how crazy was that!" Lohnes interjected.
"Yeah...right", Freiburger recovered, "so now we need a little help from all of you!"
"We need cold beer, in the tower, now!" Lohnes jumped in once again.
"That's all we ask, just a little liquid refreshment brought up here, so make it happen!"
"Oh, Boy!" Dale shook his head.
"Shades of 2013...we're in for a good ceremony, er, party tonight", I laughed.


"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines