By the time Rachael came back with the parts to put the Gremlin back together, I had the Valiant packed up and ready to hit the road.
By the time Darren and Shari showed up with chicken and pizza, the Belvedere was packed up and ready to hit the road.
Dale fired the Gremlin a few minutes later, whacked the throttle a few times, studied the gauges for a minute then shut it off.
He shrugged when he walked around to put the hood in place, "Oil pressure is about twenty pounds down from where it was before that pass."
"But you changed out the break-in oil, with all that zinc additive, and who knows what other crap you added." I looked hard at him, trying to gauge his concern.
"True, and it didn't have any metal in'll probably be alright."
" you're at seventy pounds?"
"Yeah!" He laughed.
"One of these days I'll convince you to quit running gear lube in your engines!" I teased him, with a shove.
The dusk was truly upon us, but I felt we would be rolling towards Norwalk very shortly, then, to my surprise, Dale and Boone started working on the Duster's wiring once again.
"Good grief", I threw my hands up in disgust, "what is it now?"
"I really don't feel comfortable with him running down the road without an oil pressure or water temperature gauge", Dale explained, "and we need to wire a toggle for the fans."

I decided to walk around and check on everyone else still trying to leave before I ruffled some feathers.

Pic: Rachael never passes on the opportunity to kick an Uncle when they are down.


"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines