I was relishing the opportunity to finally see James Pranis'(572charger, Moparts) bad 68 Hemi Charger, having admired it on this site, and the pages of magazines for years. I have to say the car doesn't disappoint close up and in person! It has roughly the same effect on people as the Terminator walking through a police station with dark shades, black leather jacket, and sawed off shotgun!
I was walking around the B body, taking in the sheer brute force of it all when the sound of Dad's voice shook me from my reverie.
"I've got to run into town for some parts, you need anything"? He asked, holding something with wires hanging down in his right hand.
"No, not that I can think of, but what is that?" I gestured towards his hand.
He turned it palm up, and opened his fingers to reveal a broken turn signal switch.
"Came out of the Duster, Dale called around and found one, so I'm going after it", he explained.
"How did he get the steering wheel off?" I shook my head in disbelief.
"Borrowed a puller from either Jesse or Squirrel, I'm not sure which", Dad smiled.
I had to chuckle, "Yeah, those would have been the first two guys I'd have asked, for sure!"


"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines