Well,I too,have unfortunately not been following the Engine Masters thing to closely & for that I'm truly sorry. It seems "our"guys did VERY WELL for themselves & us! Good Job!! I'm a performance shop owner & although I have never had any dealings w/h Mr. Hughes I have heard enough bad things to have known to stay away.No matter who you are someone is not always going to be pleased w/h things but after a while if you keep hearing bad stuff it can't ALL be due to a disgruntled customer or two.Something is going on that more people are mad than pleased & this is definitely the case w/h Hughes Engines.I don't know what he thought he could gain by his post on his website but that was financial suicide!! You don't have to be a business person to know that was CRAZY!! I'll stick w/h the guy that does my custom grinds for me or go to Hensley's for advice. Once again guys you are to be commended,for some "amateurs" you sure looked pretty professional to me,unlike some of the SO CALLED "pro's" You make me glad to be a member of Moparts.

Scott Noe
Noe's Performance

BTW,is there a site where we can view all the teams that participated,what engine combo they built & what the hp/torque was?