
John would never tell you what he has in the motor, I been waiting for this reply for 2 days, he stuck he neck out, and his wallet !! and even though he would never really ask, he is out some serious bucks, with some funding Im sure he would rebuild and dyno the different set ups, this was a group project, even though he owns the motor. WE may have not won the EM challange, but with a little more ummph, we can post some good numbers, the fat lady has only begun to warm up. If anyone is interested in closure, then you can paypal me at dinofh1@comcast.net, and I will see that the money is used for its intended purpose.

i can tell you that i know for a fact that many thousands of dollars were spent from john's own pocket. there were some members that helped out with parts and donations and it was greatly appreciated by all involved. inspite of the help, it fell way way short of what was really needed. all of the team members donated their time and expertise and in most cases, even more than that. the power the engine made was right at the top of the list on our first competition pull during the preliminary round in michigan. the subsequent pulls fell off. of course, we did have that little snafu with the dyno itself during the second pull that sure didn't help our cause. that engine had great potential. i'd love to see it freshened up and have a chance to flog it a few more times, with a different cam of course.
monetary donations, if you so choose, should be made payable to john via check or M.Order. you can contact me via PM for more information, or john himself. please, no third party paypal accounts.