The "latest & greatest" Hughes grinds are NOT made by Engle, but I'm not sure who's doing the grinding for them now. You can still get the "old" Hughes cams from Engle direct.

BTW, Hughes claims "These new grinds feature very fat lobes with even quicker rates-of-lift for more power, torque and wider, flatter power bands. The solids will have tighter lash which will increase the duration at 0.200" without increasing the duration at 0.050"."

Huh? Perhaps Dave needs to check the at-the-valve lift curves w/ his (or any) cams using different lash settings. Every one I've checked always showed bigger changes in the .020" & .050" durations from changes in the lash setting than at .200" & .300". From what I've seen, he's got it completely backwards, since the .200" value might only show a 1-2 degree increase from reduced lash while the .050" value would go up 3-4 degrees.

Maybe what he's trying to say (and didn't word it well) is the new lobes have larger .200" durations compared to other cams w/ similar .050" durations. However, that's not reflective of the lash setting.