

The guys worked very hard on this motor, he fails to mention that there are some very knowlagable people on this board, DRAM, Hakim, and yea some hobbyists,

Brian, hold up here, I know you were a big part of this, I just threw out some names off the top of my head real quick, I dont care if you drove the motor to the airport, or donated heads, or sent 5 bucks for paypal acct, my point is as a single unit we are not just a chat room, Im a NFL Patriots fan, and the kicker won the superbowl. My point is this was a combined effort of many minds, and backgrounds, not just a chat group, I did not intend to offend anyone. There is a HUGE list of help on this project, and I respect you all!!

there is a huge list of people who do know a lot and he might be on that list but it would be down a ways,anyway,I didn't post to blast Hakim,really at first I thought his name was listed as part of the EM and I was already seeing red

Anyone that has been here a while should know how I feel about Dave,I called and talked to his boy Chris,had a list of parts I already said I would buy and then I spoke with Dave,he was a huge ass,so much so that I ended up calling Eric at Muscle Motors and ordered my parts.

I will say this,I really enjoyed this thread,I have been blasted many times over the years for blasting Dave,now it seems as if MANY of you have had a chance to see the REAL Dave Hughes and I LOVE it.