
I'm here DRAM.

I think everyone has to cool down and put themselves in Dave's shoes. DRAM, remember saying you thought the EM-470 was a make or break for your reputation? And remember I felt the same way? Well what about Dave? He took a a risk.

what risk did he take? he sold a couple cams to our team at a big discount.

None of us have any idea what kind of feed back he has been hearing about his cams in the EM-470. We all know how rumors start and grow into something that isn't even close to the truth. (Look at some of the assumptions being made on this thread for example.) Maybe he has good reason to gripe. I'm not offended, I understand where he's coming from.

What rumors? anyone can go read the EM thread,nowhere there did anyone bash Hughes,hell I can't stand the guy and kept my mouth shut because he was helping and believe me it was killing me,had we won with a Hughes cam how was I going to live that down?

What does everyone think about the all Hughes bashing that has been done on this board? Is *that* right? And what can Dave do about it? One can only take so much of that kind of sniping trash talk. I'm sick of it that is for sure, and I'll allow Dave some room to cut loose. I am a student and an amateur, so what can I say? I try to be professional about it though.

Dave brings on the bashing himself with the attitude he displays toward those who look to him for advice,he is not a people person and should never be allowed to answer a phone,I for one would like to have punched him right in the mouth for the way he talked to me when I called to order a cam a few years back,there was no call for him to treat me the way he did,had he not been such a dick my next call would not have been to Muscle Motors,in fact I may have never bought from them had he treated me right because I am very loyal!

I wonder if there are any other cam suppliers who are relieved they didn't supply the EM-470 cam since the lifter bores were so far off only a lame chevy lobe would have worked and in that case the engine would not have made the impressive power it did.

I am at a loss on this one,why would anyone be relieved? we didn't blast Hughes,the problem was found and pointed out for all to see.


I'm not posting anything more on this thread, if anyone has anything to say to me send a PM.

Now if all of you will excuse me I have an order to place....with Hughes Engines.

at first I saw this last line and thought to myself, "what an ass" then I looked at Drams last post and see that you and Dave are friends so I guess your just looking out for your buddy,after all we have to accept our friends for who they are or they won't be our friends,right?

Bottom line for me is that it's not Hughes cams,services or other products that get run down here,it's Dave himself because of the way he acts and it's just to damned bad because we have our hands full as it is just being mopar owners.

Now on to AndyF's post


The thing that bugs me the most about this thread is that last time I ragged about Hughes being one of the big jerks in the Mopar business (there are several of them), JohnRR stood up for him! The EM team was supporting Hughes all the way. Hughes called this one all wrong.

Most (maybe all?) of the stuff that Hughes sells you can buy from other people. In many cases, you can buy direct from the people who Hughes buys it from. So if you don't want to support this guy any more then don't. You can build a mean Mopar without spending a dime in Hughes's shop.

here here!!

And to think at one point I even started to think it was pretty cool of Dave to donate some cams for us to try,I should have known they were not donated and the only reason he did so was to get his name in some more mags if we did well,well ok I did know the last part.

No third chances for me,two strikes and your out.

who is that guy?