I have to agree, totally uncalled for. The way I see it-- mistakes, supplier quality issues, unforseen/missed tolerances, impossible deadlines,short finances, etc can and does happen to ANY business or personal/party entry into ANY type of contest...... To be a "fly" on his(Dave's) wall would probably be an eye opener ...as he probably has in the past, suffered some of these same difficulties--aka, poor quality control, improper or outta spec components leaving his premises, etc.....due to something he or his staff didn't catch-prior to the product leaving it's door. THOSE kind of things happen from time to time....and one learns from those mistakes. To finger-point gains you nothing and loses you everything. Really....since he posted what he posted, knowing full well who & how many would see said statement on his website......he probably doesn't care to have anyone's money from here anyway.....I quess business is that "good".