I feel that the bad feeling toward Dave have nothing to do with his product. As many have stated, his attitude even before this letter was poor. This just provides proof that Dave may not be the nicest guy around. One thing that I have noticed about Mopar Guys is that we are like orchids. We need a little more attention than those Dandelion chevy guys. To post like Dave did is like spraying us with Round Up.

I too agree that the letter could have been an educational and informative post about lifter bores. His continued use of "student" and "amateur" shows that he had no respect for the talent at hand.

I was planning to buy a set of the bulldogs from Dave. That won't happen.

I too will continue my support of the EM 470. John, let me know what else can do.


"Were in it to win it. Anything less will end up being..... A whole lot of fun doing!!" UNLAWFL