now let me think, if i were to get involved with another EM contest, whose cam would not make the list. it's hard for me to imagine the reason he's displaying that garbage. is he afraid someone might find out we got a discount on some cams. our engine made very good power and torque, i would think he would have focused on the positive. not very bright of the "pro" in my book.
we did have time constraints, shipping an engine around the country is time consuming and expensive. we made it to the show, and opened some eyes very wide. a controversial problem with the dyno may or may not have ended our chances, we may never know for sure. we did the best we could. had some of our suppliers decided to donate parts instead of just discounting them, we may have had enough money left over for additional testing. heck, we likely would have bushed the lifter bores before the final assembly. i guess mr. hughes doesn't have the nerve to ENTER a contest like that, but he sure has some nerve trying to make his product look good at the expense of others. he has mail by the way. you will never ever again see me promote his products or services. as of this moment, dave hughes does not exist...

i'd like to make it clear that there were members here who did donate parts and or services for free. to them i say, thank you for making the challenge possible.

Last edited by DRAM; 11/24/03 09:13 PM.