Well Jesse all I can say to that is I want you as a close friend, that way I know if I turn into a complete jackass and stab you in the back you'll still be there .

Is it right about people posting feedback from what they got at hughes? YES it is, that is what this board and many like it are all about, normal guys or 'amateurs' trading info and experiences. Is it his fault? YES it is I don't hear bad things posted about comp or crane or crower or scott etc. Yes there are some extenuating circumstances and yes maybe someone will pop off about something that's their fault but to have it happen continually is another thing. What can he do about it? He could come on the board and talk to people. Harold had the balls to, of course no one ever complained about him because he, nor were his products a problem.

And now we all get to SEE his idea of customer service it all fits. If he smells like a jackass, looks like a jackass, acts like a jackass he probably is a JACKASS.

In other words I disagree .