Jesse, as i friend, i want to say that i disagree with you. this thread has nothing to do with whether we should have bushed the lifter bores or not, it also has nothing to do with rumours. we ( the emc team) never publicly criticized his cams. IMO, he has no right to criticize us, especially on the world wide web. insulting us does not hurt my feelings, i can't speak for the others involved. what it does do is irritate me.
now, why would he be hearing ANY feedback about his cams in the EM-470? perhaps you should ask him. perhaps that's what he's upset about.
he IMO has every right to think what he wants, but to put it on his website in such an insulting and demeaning manner is just plain wrong. i'm sure that article could have been written tastefully to make his point but he chose not to. i'm sure he could have replied to my e-mail, but he chose not to.
he also could have gotten us that custom grind, but he didn't even bother to do that. look, he's your friend, if you understand wherer he's coming from, that's fine. i don't. that holier than thou attitude just doesn't sit well with me, and apparently, many others.
with that, i will support other businesses that actually HELP the mopar community, not try to hurt it, or divide it.
as far as my reputation goes, since you brought it up. my shop is full of work and booked for at least 7-8 weeks right now. hmmm, makes me wonder if his is?????
you have my ph. # if you want to talk it over. once again, thank you for all the help with the EM-470, that goes for Darcy too...

Last edited by JohnRR; 11/25/03 10:31 PM.