
I left this event lying on a cot in the medical tent with 8 hours of the 48 left unused! I had checked into the med tent to get the tape on my feet changed out, and during the process, (My feet were hamburger by this point) I remember telling the medic, "I'm feeling pretty light headed"... the next thing I knew, he and 2 concerned looking runners were standing over me saying "Sir, sir, are you Okay?". One of the others commented, "Your eyes rolled up in your head, and you fell out of your chair, and went out for 20 seconds!"
Every time my Wife would have to change the bandages on my feet for the next week, and help me into shoes that I had split the toe boxes at the top just to get my swollen feet in and go to work, she would look me in the eye, shake her head, and say, "You are an IDIOT!"
A cold I had picked up at the race, along with the feet, pretty much precluded me from touching the cars the first 2 weeks of the new year, just as the cold was wearing off, the Flu nailed everyone in the house, so January was pretty much a total waste!

Billy a wize man once told me "if it makes you hurt, don't do it." Seriously, that can't be healthy to abuse your body that way. Take care of yourself. Your not getting any younger.