Well, if anyone's been paying attention, the last post I mentioned a leak and the fluid level was a little high...
I unscrewed the hydraulic line to drain a little fluid and got the level down to between E and F, exactly where it's suppose to be...
Ok well today I went to do laundry and had to drive about 20 miles round trip. Nothing seemed out of wack but it dawned on me that I forgot to hook up the rod to the control lever on the tranny!!!! cry shake_head
I stopped and hooked it up and I noticed oil leaking from the pan gasket not the bell housing... Just a little oil though...
I had to stop and put it in park a couple of times on the way home after this and after shifting into Drive from Park it would shift fine but it takes a second for the power to transfer to the tires and when it does it thuds! This thudding has happened a handful of times, ...
I rechecked the fluid level after this drive and now the level is way above the Full mark, like almost half an inch!!! Why? I filled the tranny with the specified 8 quarts when I rebuilt it, I checked and adjusted the fluid more than once at operating temp so...
Is the proper operating temp after a freeway drive because these different temps are obviously affecting the fluid level and I'm getting tired of the level being off every time I check it when I've already adjusted it!!! whiney
Maybe I do have too much fluid and it's getting air bubbles sometimes and that's what's causing the delay in power transfer to the wheels?
This is just really frustrating after rebuilding it twice, triple and quadruple checking everything and then this! I also hope driving it without the control lever hooked up didn't cause serious damage! shake_head

You all know I appreciate the help! Thank you in advance...

Last edited by B300 VanDanage; 03/02/22 02:49 PM.