Well, I'm thinking of starting a couple new threads. This thread is just too cluttered with different topics now...
I'm done messing with the heat and fan controls for now. I think the vacuum controls work because I can hear things moving around in the dash when I press the buttons and also air comes out of different vents. For now the fresh air and hot air works, the fan speed controls don't really work and is stuck on max, I think... That's going to have to be a whole new thread!

I'll also try and sort out the wiring and my understanding of it some time soon... I recon the brakes will have to be done soon as well!
I'm thinking of swapping the master cylinder from the 94'...
The 94' also has nice brake and stearing lines I'll be snagging...
There'll be plenty to work on so until then, thanks and be safe!
Cya all soon!