Originally Posted by B300 VanDanage

I've been planning on doing a complete tear down and rebuild of this carb for a while now, I just didn't expect it would cause such a problem for me on the first drive in months after all the work I've done...
I bought the Haynes Techbook months ago in anticipation of this rebuild...
The power piston was really dirty, I spent quite a few minutes working carb cleaner and WD-40 through it and now it moves the way it should. I've gotten into the habit of being patient and taking the necessary steps when working on my vehicles.
I live far out in a rural area so I use what I can and I had a bottle of PineSol that I ended up soaking the carb body in. Some videos mention PineSol is very similar to parts dip. I soaked for 24hrs and it definitely came out cleaner but the smell is retched and would prefer never to use PineSol ever again!
For the gaskets I ordered a Carter kit so hopefully they know what they're doing... Hopefully the carb is the only issue for now...

I've noticed during the tear down that I'm "missing" some parts and want to find out if it's intentional or I'm going to need them for the carb to work properly. I mean it always worked but I could always tell that it was off a bit and not working as well as it should...
Ok, the first part I noticed "missing" is the 'needle and seat baffle' and the other part is the 'pump discharge needle valve'. The exact model carb I have is a Holley 2210(I think, I might be wrong though) and I'm not sure if those two parts matter or not? I'm more concerned about the 'discharge needle valve'....

[/b]I would consider fully removing the power pump this time, as the fouling could still be in there and maybe caking with the WD40 you used jamming the vacuum passage. The staking washers which hold the pump in are available at Mikes Carburetors. (at my request actually wink )

Berryman also smells, but works quite well. I can empathize with not wanting to spend the money, I think a can is 30$ or so. These cars can easily be money pits, gone are the days of cheap parts in junkyards and part swaps between enthusiasts..

For ordering the kit make sure you used the number on the fuel bowl, there are many different variants of the 2210's and 2245's with some slight differences.

Missing Parts:
I've opened a few carbs which didn't have the "baffle" which I'm assuming refers to that plate and small screw. The plate doesn't seem to provide any functionality to the float, as it's height is regulated by the tabs on the float itself. May just be added protection from debris, I'm not sure.

Your missing check weight is much more critical however. This component provides resistance to fuel flow from the accelerator pump circuit when the pump is not being pressed and also reduces the flow when it is being pressed. Keep in mind the venturi is a vacuum and could potentialy suck additional fuel in without this regulating measure. This check weight may have fallen out during your first rebuild and it would be worth it to try and find it if possible. If not, Mike's Carburators may have the one you need. He has some helpful videos on how this particular circuit operates and others. See below:

I don't work for Mike's or anything, it was just very helpful when I was doing all this![b]