Originally Posted by RustyDuster
Hi B300,

I fished out the check weight that I believe came out of a 2210 that I presume is stock and it measured .182 and .667 on my calipers for reference. Keep in mind my caliper says "West Germany" on it so its a bit old but probably still good!

Regarding the gaskets, the ones from the Hygrade kits seem to have less problem with sticking. Although an experienced mechanic (Uncle Tony) has suggested that the old Holley gaskets were purposely made sticky to compensate for warping in the carb castings that Holley became aware of somewhere along the line.

Another poster mentioned checking gas tank and if you haven't done so, now is a great time to do it. There's nothing more frustrating than gumming up a newly rebuilt needle and seat due to particulate matter in that tank!

Hey Rusty, it would seem I got as close as possible in needle size with what I could find but unfortunately I don't know if it made any change as I finished installing the carb and still can't get the engine to run!! whiney

In regards to water in the system I didn't flush it because I had just ran the tank dry a few gallons prior to the break down. I ran the tank dry and filled it with fresh gas and it drove like it always did for about 25 miles and then it broke down. I also put a new fuel filter on and cleared the line from the filter to the carb before attaching it to the carb.

I started it and it ran at low idle for about 15 seconds until I gassed it and it backfired then died... I can get it to start and idle very low for a few seconds but it dies...
I noticed my carb is warped, here's a picture... I had to put rtv in the crack because no way the gasket was going to seal it! So much for spraying the gaskets...
IDK what to do now... I'm pretty sure I did a good job cleaning and rebuilding it... Could it be something other than the carb??? shruggy

Oh! I also thought I should mention that I ran the 12v test on the choke thermostat coil and there was no reaction... Not sure if this would have

Last edited by B300 VanDanage; 12/09/21 05:21 AM.