Well... ??? Anybody out there?? JK...

Here's what I've figured out so far after digging around and speaking to a few "expert's"...
The size weight(.59"x.20") that goes in my carb(Holley 2210) isn't sold by anyone that sells these parts apparently and the one person that I asked that rebuilds my exact model uses a smaller(.42"x.13") needle weight. I trust that this person rebuilds and sells them successfully using that smaller weight given they have a 100% feedback rating on eBay... If you're wondering which seller it's "unitedautomotive".
So if this person successfully builds a 2210 with a smaller weight then theoretically I should be able to successfully use a similar shaped weight of any size between .59"x.20" and .41"x.13".
So those are my findings... I've ordered 3 different weights from Mike's Carburetors and will make my decision once I have them.
The size weights I ordered are:
.7"x.17" which I will file down to length.
.517"x.156" and is the round style.
.538"x.14" which is just a tad larger than the one the "builders" on eBay use.

I'm sure anyone of these will work! up