While the track was quiet, the pits were anything but. Boone and Darren found a spot near the head of the lanes, and started the process of preparing to run down the track. As soon as Darren shut off the 499, the radiator started hemoraging water all over their pit area. Boone stepped out of the Barnyard, and immediately got an offer of help from someone he'd never even met before. He handed him the tire guage, and put him to work. Jeff Lutz and crew were finishing up a major head repair in the hopes of improving on the 7.70 pass from earlier in the day, and Larry Larson was in an epic struggle to get his S-10 down the track, and had captured the attention of the entire pit area.

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines