Definately a Girl.

Funny thing, I have static timed 1000 engines and when I got this engine running it was REALLY acting up. It wanted start hard and did not want to idle, but would run OK and rev OK and all that. I had a hard time because it would not idle. When I FINALLY was able to get the timing light on it, it was at something like 130 deg advanced. [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean]?? Every time I tried to back the timing down it would stall and backfire out the carb??? Totally perplexed I decided to start from scratch and static time it once again............WELL, I THEN discovered that I had two plug wires crossed, AND they happened to be the #1 and the #3....Doh! So I was timing off #3. What are the odds.

Now she just PURRS!