Don't know about any of this non-sense...... but makes me glad I have a non numbers matching, non original, dented up, mopar driver that ain't worth next to nuthin.


There are alot of references to "the hobby" in this thread.

Seems to me that "hobby" and "buisness" and "value/greed" are all conflicting interests

I feel sorry for any of you who weren't around 30 years ago and involved with mopars. Those were by far the best times for "the hobby".

Either you had a numbers car with or without papers or you didn't. There was no reproduction yet, you either found nos at a show or you fixed what you had or you did without.

Best of all, there were NO pro vendors, just people showing what they had and selling there spares/extras.

There weren't any trailers either, everyone drove to and from..... ahhh the good ole' days!!!!

Off topic??? Who cares, It's all a big fricken circus anyhow