I would like to meet some of the people in person who seem to only go on this and other sites to hide behind their computer and and safely irritate and upset others that are willing to share their knowledge and ideas with us all.

With the free time they seem to have its hard to believe they even have a race car or knowledge about them from experience.

Those of us that actually are builders are more than aware the time invested in our work and how valuable time becomes and we don't waste it solely to talk stupid and irritate..............

I hope fools like this will not chase away people like monte who share their valuable hard learned knowledge with us mopar few..........

It would be great to see a photo of the agitators in case I happen about them in public just to see if their mouth still operates face to face.

I am thinking these type of people only speak up at a safe distance......

Thanks to all that contribute and respect others that do.