
And yes, I do define racers and hobbyists in "groups" and I doubt anyone but YOU has an issue with that. I would say bracket racers are a "group". Class racers are a "group". Heads up racers would be a "group". Resto guys would be a "group" and so on..........so exactly what is your issue with that. And believe it or not, some of us might be a part of MULTIPLE groups..........oh the horror of it. "Cats and Dogs" living together, oh its total anarchy...........LOL!!!

I considered putting you on ignore, just as Mr P and I am sure MANY others have, but you are just too much fun. The more you post, the more.........well, you know, or at least the rest of us do..........LOL!!!


You can't recall what you say from one post to the next...LOL...a month ago you said you hadn't raced in 15+ years because of life, kids, divorce, new houses, etc......now it's soley because you chose the wrong engine combo.....okkkk....and all these megablocks you have bought, you never mentioned before, have never mentioned having any other race car besides your GTX....

YOU have made it clear previously that you wouldn't waste your time/money on a Predator, or any 4.8 bs engine....Now you are claiming to ???? Try and stick to ONE story please.....

The last time that I know of that you entered a race, you whacked the throttle in reverse and backed into a guy in the staging lanes....

I have no problem with whatever engine you put in your GTX....never have....I am more interested in the cars like Gary Robbins has, very very impressive to me, and he probably talks the least, and just gits-r-dun...

My only issue with you, is your constantly belittling Mopar guys as cheap dinosaurs, for not buying the same parts you claim aren't good enough for you !! I find that ironic and hypocritical...

This whole post is because a few Mopar guys talked about how nice it would be to have blocks available priced similar to chevy blocks....and the bashing began....

Most of your posts are very interesting, straight to the point, make perfect sense.....