

And yes, I do define racers and hobbyists in "groups" and I doubt anyone but YOU has an issue with that. I would say bracket racers are a "group". Class racers are a "group". Heads up racers would be a "group". Resto guys would be a "group" and so on..........so exactly what is your issue with that. And believe it or not, some of us might be a part of MULTIPLE groups..........oh the horror of it. "Cats and Dogs" living together, oh its total anarchy...........LOL!!!

I considered putting you on ignore, just as Mr P and I am sure MANY others have, but you are just too much fun. The more you post, the more.........well, you know, or at least the rest of us do..........LOL!!!


You can't recall what you say from one post to the next...LOL...a month ago you said you hadn't raced in 15+ years because of life, kids, divorce, new houses, etc......now it's soley because you chose the wrong engine combo.....okkkk....and all these megablocks you have bought, you never mentioned before, have never mentioned having any other race car besides your GTX....

YOU have made it clear previously that you wouldn't waste your time/money on a Predator, or any 4.8 bs engine....Now you are claiming to ???? Try and stick to ONE story please.....

The last time that I know of that you entered a race, you whacked the throttle in reverse and backed into a guy in the staging lanes....

I have no problem with whatever engine you put in your GTX....never have....I am more interested in the cars like Gary Robbins has, very very impressive to me, and he probably talks the least, and just gits-r-dun...

My only issue with you, is your constantly belittling Mopar guys as cheap dinosaurs, for not buying the same parts you claim aren't good enough for you !! I find that ironic and hypocritical...

This whole post is because a few Mopar guys talked about how nice it would be to have blocks available priced similar to chevy blocks....and the bashing began....

Most of your posts are very interesting, straight to the point, make perfect sense.....

I recall EXACTLY what I say, it's just your attempts to pick and choose statements here and there to TRY and get your point across have you confused. I NEVER said I hadn't raced in 15 years. I SAID I hadn't raced my GTX in 15 years. I drive cars for other people all the time and always have. I also didn't realize I was required to keep you informed of what I do and don't, or buy and don't.

My engine combo was made obsolete by a rules change, so I would hardly call that choosing the wrong combo. Hard to know in the moment that the direction of a class will be totally changed BEFORE it happens. Then being out all that money, plus LIFE getting in the way.......NO, I couldn't afford at THAT time to start all over on a new combo, plus was a little disillusioned by the whole thing.

And NO, me personally I am NOT interested in building a stock 4.800 bore space Mopar RACE CAR motor for my own use in my GTX at this time.............but didn't realize I wasn't allowed to buy parts and build those motors for other people who want them or put them in my OTHER cars. I will be sure and check with you in the future and keep you abreast of what parts I buy, who for and what car they will be in.

I actually WAS going to build a 572 B-1 PSO motor for X275 racing like Gary does and actually ORDERED a complete set of heads more than two years ago from a shop. I built a new car for the class and had everything to build the motor EXCEPT the heads. STILL don't have those heads, so I got fed up waiting and with empty promises, somebody else wanted the car and the parts I had, so I moved it. Sorry I failed to keep you updated on that as well.

If you noticed, I was building a 4.840 bore space Mopar motor 15 years ago, so it would appear obvious, that for MY OWN desires, I was done with the 4.800 stuff a LONG time ago for MY OWN race car. But with X275 being popular and one of the FEW heads up classes a Mopar can be somewhat of a player, I was going to get in there but it didn't work out.

So after that, as stated, I decided to do something with the 4.840 parts I DO have and that is where I stand. But since I ain't made of money and the fact that these heads will require a custom block, with one off lifter bore spacing and head bolt pattern, plus a custom billet cam, custom intake etc, it's not like I can throw it together in a couple months...........plus I have this thing called a JOB that keeps me kinda busy helping OTHER people race their cars. I have 26 events on my schedule this year. That works out to every other weekend on the whole, in case math is not your strong suit.

And I NEVER said the current parts were not good enough for me.......WHAT I SAID WAS there are no current parts available for what I would like to build for my GTX............but feel free to spin that to make it sound however you like.

The Pro-Mod that backed into the guy behind me in the lanes, had a Lenco in it. If you KNEW anything about a Lenco equipped car, you would know that you fire it in neutral and put the car in reverse before putting it in forward, because reverse is synchronized and forward isn't. When I depressed the clutch and moved the reverser lever, it sheared an arm off the crossshaft and I essentially had no clutch. And since a blown car idles at around 2500, it lurched rearward. No "throttle whacking" required...........So it appears once again that you have NO CLUE as to what you speak.............but you keep on trying, you will eventually get one right............LOL!!

Oh yeah..........forgot. I won a local X275 race here a couple weeks ago driving a customers car that I was working on in the shop. Sorry I didn't tell you about that as well
