

While there is some great info here ....the personal stuff has to end......now...next guy gets the cooler

Cooler? Like a wine cooler?We have enough whinning so lets get some cheese and crackers to go with all the wine-ing. But seriously this type of dialoge here and throughout the race community is what is killing our sport.Choise of words and how the are presented should be respectful if you want people to share their ideas,knowledge and be helpful.There is alot of things that can be accomplished if we all approach it in a professional and respectful manner.
We at BGR have been trying to work with manufactures to help build better product products.Companys Like Indy,HHP,Ritter.440 Source,Edelbrock,Koffels and others are doing a lot to develope more Mopar performance hard parts.The process is long,hard and expensive.But all the negative feedback and bashing these companys get may tend to make them not want to make a commitment of their resources especially the great monatary investment.They have a hard enough time getting raw materials like casting and forgings from the limited foundarys that provide them.Tooling is also a large concern as current machining is getting worn and new tooling is in the outer atmosphere as far as cost.
Bitching and bickering will benifit no one,commitment,ideas and knowledge needs to be constructively and professionally presented to the companys along with a marketing stragity that will get them interested.If everyone here would present their ideas,either collectively or representivly at venues like the PRI shows manufactures may take us serious and listen.
We must support our sport or we will left with memories of better days.

How's my twin MAX doing Bob????? LOL

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time