


from the pictures posted her, there were plenty of guys at Monster Mopar runnin fast....

Define fast...

There were a lot of Big Dog door cars at MM running in the 4s(1/8 mile) and many more in the south half of 5s.I guess you would have to consider each car setup for engine size,car weight and if they had power adders,blowers or N/A to define if the were fast or not.You can't compare a 3000# door car to a 1600# dragster but certainly can determine their power levels from the setup and combos and resulting ETs.For a Mopar only race,we take our hats of to those guys and their commitment to the sport,many that do it on a very frugal budget.
We espectally like the t-shirts that were being sold at the event."Spare me all your technological BS,show me your time slip"