





The main disconnect here seems to be that the vast majority of Mopar guys are content to run motors in the 750 or so HP range. Be they bracket racers, test n tuners, stop racers, street guys or whatever. In that range parts are plentiful, cheaper and there seems to be no problem getting them..........Then you have a group of guys who want to make more power. They seem to have no problem ponying up the money for mega-blocks, Indy blocks, KB, B-1s etc, but parts are harder to get and a little more costly. The first group seems to have no problem with the second group.........Then comes the third group. The guys who want to make serious power and or be able to compete on a head to head basis with other brands and do it with Mopar power. This is the group that is always lamenting the fact that Mopar R&D and new parts is virtually non existant at this level and pointing out the fact that there are no parts to do what you want and none on the horizon. Some in group one seem to have a real problem with group three and want to label them "elitest" or some such other bullsh%t and call them not REAL Mopar guys because they complain about parts or choose to go other routes to accomplish what they want. They are content and can't seem to understand why others are not..........THAT is the problem. They only see it from their point of view


Guys like 6pakrunner think we are blaming other Mopar guys for the lack of parts, when in fact we are only pointing out that with the small percentage of Mopar guys interested in doing that type racing, that the ROI on developing such parts is just NOT there and NEVER will be. So blaming.......NO.......pointing out the obvious......yes. That is no knock on guys who are content to run 10s, just stating facts. Yet guys like him try and spin it and pit one group against another........which definitely does our hobby no good.

And then you get to the point that guys DO decide to move on in other directions and guys like him are quick to label us as "sellouts" and "not REAL Mopar guys", while in truth HE is the one who is a "sellout" because he is willing to abandon his fellow Moparites, because we are not doing it like he thinks we should and calls us "whiners"...........yeah, that always helps the situation


Wow, you must have forgotten what you wrote earlier.....YOU are the one putting people into "groups"...read your comments above....and of course you are at the top, since as you stated before, your are just "wired" that way, to go all out...be the fastest one at the track.....but it turns out you have been wired to not race for 15+ years...for the same reasons as many, i.e. life,kids,cash, etc.

And yes, you have put down and blamed Mopar guys...citing their "purple cam mentality" many times....claiming they don't buy enough blocks/parts...when the mega blocks are sold out !! And you haven't bought any !! LOL !

Even funnier, you haven't bought a set of Predators either !! LOL !

You did rebuild the engine in your daily driver challenger you said, but it probably got less than a "purple cam" ! LOL !

How do YOU know what I have ever bought dipsh%t.........answer, you DON'T. The last motor in my GTX was a B-1 headed, Mega-Block motor. I have purchased likely a dozen or so Mega-Blocks over the years, for my own or customer builds. Along with some INDY blocks and a couple KBs. Probably bought more B-1 and INDY castings than you have ever seen. I have built some Predator headed motors, but no, not for myself because the 4.800 bore space deal won't get it done for what I want to do. Steve Gill intended to do a 4.840 Predator and I told him I would take the first two sets he made, but that never came to fruition

The last motor I was building for my GTX, before they changed the rules in the class and totally obsoleted what I was doing before I finished it, was a custom Donovan low deck block, drilled for a set of Wayne County bolt pattern, 4.840 B-1 TS heads. The REASON I opted for the Donovan, Chevy based block, was because one of the current Mopar alum block makers had promised to make me a custom low deck block like I wanted, but after waiting over a year and NO progress made on it, I called Donovan and had one in 3 months. So I guess you are right......seems I have NEVER supported the hobby at all by buying, or TRYING to buy my share of higher end stuff. As a matter of fact, the TS heads are at Buck Racing Engines right now getting some updates and I have talked to Brodix about possibly building me a custom block for these heads. So why not use the Donovan you might ask......answer, because it was a custom 9.200 low deck, because the rules at the time were weight per cube and I was building a big bore short stroke motor. So that is a custom $6000 door stop that nobody else has any use for, along with a custom crank, rods, pistons, custom one off billet cam and hand made single 4 CAST intake, because the rules called for that. When you have that much money invested in a program and it gets obsoleted before you finish it, that kinda takes the wind out of your sails and especially your bank account........so THAT is the main reason the GTX hasn't seen the track in years

My plan is a 10.400 deck block with the TS heads and either 632 or 648 cubes. THAT is the motor that will eventually go into the GTX, but until that is finished, the 632 Chevy that I have sitting in the floor, that you seem to be butthurt about will be in the car until then.

And NO, the motor in my Challenger does NOT have a purple cam in it. Since I prefer stuff designed in this century, it has a custom ground hydraulic roller, alum heads, air, power steering and EFI.

So..........tell us what YOU have done to support the hobby there lately big boy.
