
To have 20 or more heads available means you will have a better choice,not to mention they have to compete with each other on price.That means you can buy them cheaper and save $$$.
Also having 20 or more different heads they have to make improvements to their heads to make them better so they can sell!That means you have heads with 2014 Technology not 1980 Technology.So you get much better heads at a much cheaper price.And having 20 different people offering heads means there is never a shortage,there is never a back order when you need them.

And worst of all chevy & ford have all of this and us Mopar racers that want to go Fast have only 2 choices Indy or B1.That means they do not have to cut prices and compete with anyone to sell their heads.Not to mention there has been very little changes in either one of their heads since the 1980's.They have added a few but most are still based of the 1980's Technology!
Thats means we are pay more $$$ for heads with 1980 Technology that the chevy & ford racers are paying for 2014 Technology!

And it matters not how good any engine builder is they can not build a better engine using parts with 1980 Technology(Mopar) than the engine builders using 2014 Technology(chevy & ford)!

These is the most important of all The Reason We Do Not Have New 2014 Technology is our (Mopar people)own fault.
Someone makes/builds a new part we do not like because it does not look like the engine in Grannys 1958 Desota and we won't buy it and will bash it till everyone else is afraid to buy it.
Let a vendors ask if we would be interested in some new parts with 2014 Technology and we will all be Quick to not just tell them NO....but HELL NO!

Everyone used to [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] about Indy's customer service...and someone I believe his name was Josh come on here and said he now worked at INDY and was going to make customer service better...and what did everyone do....they done their best to run him off!

And them chevy & ford racers that have 20+ heads to choose from....guess what they have that many blocks and all the other parts as well....when they need a block there is no waiting period....no back order it is in stock!

PS I no longer run Indy and have never run any B1 so bash them all you want it's not gonna hurt my Racing!

Have a Great weekend everyone at the track!

The BIGGEST problem is 95% of mopar guys are too
CHEAP to spend the money EVEN if the parts were out
there... thats why the supplier wont invest in mopar
stuff... the ROI isnt there... they have a had time
selling what is out there now... then you have the
catch 22... all the stuff is based on the old bore
spread and the heads and cranks are based on the bore
spread... no one will invest a million bucks on the
ROI factor... to sell a few hundred blocks might take
5 years if they are $5000... there just isnt the number
of high dollar mopar guy since they have gone to
the other stuff