
Wow 6pk thanks for chiming in on all the questions you were asked straight up out front. You seem to enjoy just taking little bits of this post here n there to try to belittle some on here. I say so what. Who cares. Eventually there may be someone in the Mopar interest, that has the money to build produce something for the Mopar top runners. Most here on the site as a majority are handicapped racers. They race themselves to run a number. Some here run a class set number. Me myself, I have no money, and don't know nothing or anything about what it takes to build and race cars. I do know that when I get to go to the races, I get to see a sport that has been slowly dying, stands empty and a bunch of local dedicated people just having fun by running what they brung to win a little money on a saturday night or just get out with the guys and enjoy the sport. The ones that are posting on this topic, do have the money to buy what they want , it's just not there yet. ok So be it. What I just can't understand is who died and made you king biatch around here to just keep irritation going? The upper level racers will eventually get something handed down to them in the meantime, the rest are happy to have what we have to enjoy what drag racing was all about. Sooner or later there will be a cap and from what I see , most are going back to handicap racing anyways and enjoying the sport for what it used to be, having fun. The key to racing around here with what we have in any brand name is trying to get a win light with 2 time trials and going rounds to the end with your dial in on a window.

You just seem to be too irritating to post up on this board. It wasn't created to start trying to belittle anyone, it was to share our adventures and acomplishments on what we have to work with. Im not trying to bash you or anyone else, far from it. I enjoy a sport, and like to read what others have been doing with their projects on their budjets. Being the fastest and quickest isnt all that it's cracked up to be. Eventually you turn into a slave instead of loving what you like to do. If had enough money to build whatever I wanted, I would still be bracket racing. It's relaxing and brings out family n fun for the weekend.

Now MoparAl are you saying some of these people who live up North out West or other parts of the World are Red-Necks????

PS do you want to tell the non-Red-Necks on here what Monte was talking about when he said one of them Red-Necks had a Hard On for him or should I? That might not be Moparts Legal,so for the ones who do not know/understand Rent the movie Deliverance and watch it tonight!

Last edited by MRMOPAR622; 09/24/14 02:18 PM.

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"