
Looks like this car will be a new surviver.Small amount of paint blending and freshen up the rest of the car.No restoration needed (good as it gets?)

**This car will still require a tremendous amount of time and artistic effort to end up with the desired results. ALL the bare metal will have to be reconditioned to look like new. The engine will have to be pulled and repainted to look like new again. The transmission will have to be detailed to look like new. The engine bay, K Frame, Rear End Housing, Power Steering Unit, Trunk, etc…. will have to be repainted to look like new again. The reoccurring theme here is “like new again.” I personally do not like the looks of a 40 year old survivor vehicle. While they are very nice, they do not look NEW. I enjoy making them look like factory fresh without the final result looking deliberate or “home made.”**

Here is what I wrote in an earlier thread Steve. It will need a lot of TLC to look new again. You will need to see it (when you get back) before we get going on it.