
My Unsolicted advice:

It will never cease to amaze me how some observers can watch the same ordeal and never have a clue as to the reality of the situation. You must have me confused with someone else posting on here Mike. I am extremely kind until someone decides to take a couple of punches just to stir the pot. Funny but you had to step right over the other garbage piles in order to call out my so called “attitude”. Imagine that Mike…I actually defend or counter the rude idiotic gestures that find their way into the scenario.
As far as your comment, “i think its mostly a bunch of hippocritcal windbags and a bunch of wanne be's, chicken S@&%'s”….. I believe you have officially become victim to your own critique and observations.
(The word is actually “hypocritical“. I hope your attention to detail is better represented in your line of work.)
Thanks for your sincere contribution here!