This is a pretty BOLD statement that may come back to haunt you...


"Not a single reproduction part, not even (hopefully) an NOS part. A car that is new with ALL the original components that it was born and manufactured with. It will be completely disassembled and touched up (where needed) in order to look like new

I don't want to nic-pick (too late ) but if this car is truely a reference point for new future products then how will NO REPRODUCTION parts find there way into the project....I'm confused

Lets say while dismantling the car you find an odd paper tag attached somewhere practically un-seen.....you remove it and although it's 38 years old, dried up, krinkled, faded, and weathered, it's a PRIME example from which you can make a EXACT perfect copy of (it's what you do, right?)...

So which one finds it's way back onto the car?
The 38 year old ORIGINAL one?
Your nice NEW LOOKING perfect REPRODUCTION one?

The answer is obvious to me, but it contridicts your opening statement....

Don't get me wrong...I'm behind you on this 100%, I think it will be a terrific learning experence for all of us...