
TOO LATE.... unfortunately cars like OUR's bring out the WORST in some people..it's simply because they would really like to have one but can't because we want top $$$ and they simply can't afford one..and the FACT that there is NO OTHER'S out there to buy... catch 22

Your C bodies and Larry's car are in no way shape or form comparable.
Larry's car is actually desirable and will bring big bucks should he decide to sell it.
Yours are nowhere near as desirable and despite your best efforts to drum up tons of hype will never be worth near what Larry's will be. They will forever be something that people pass by, give it an 'eh, that's neat', then move on to look at the Charger or Cuda that's down the line.
But, you'll never realize that there is a difference between rare and valuable - see JohnRR's post.