

Progress = $$$$$$ ?

For other venues that may be the formula. For MY part the formula always reads:

$$$$$$ = Progress

Please, someone tell me how to find the flip side to that equation!



I'm not sure there is one. I think for individuals like yourself who are trying to make a living off the "hobby" you will always be perceived as both "friend and foe" by the "little guy" just trying to have a good time with the hobby.

I realize how much is involved in R&D to produce an acceptable OEM appearing product and when the cost is only amortized across a small volume of potential buyers then the item is expensive.

There's really no right answer here. Many of our cars are "valuable" in dollar amounts because of their lack of production numbers. That same lack of numbers means you need to charge more for an item to re-coop your R&D costs.

My own personal peave is the few who have tried to pass off things like repoped A12 air cleaner bases as NOS or "reconditioned" originals. That has left a real bad taste in my mouth and I am one of the lucky ones that have an original cleaner base in my car.

BTW, OT but thanks for the extra lunch box decal.

______________________________________________ http://regcars.homestead.com/car107.html