I understand what you mean Scott. I personally do not get upset or distracted if someone uses a different adjective to describe the same subject or concept. As long as I know the reality of a situation the semantics are just an incidental point. Motor Parts South have been involved with this project for many months and have invested significant funds along the way. I know the suggestions are sincere with regards to carpet changes but it is difficult when this is factored into the equation before the actual product has even been released. The costs to alter a manufacturing process can be very expensive and difficult. By not being familiar with the manufacturing process one might think that leaving off a step (padding) might be a cost saving factor when in reality the production cost might end up being considerably more. Again I am grateful for what the McBrydes have done in this area for the restoration market. I believe that the original purpose for correct fitting and appearing carpet has just about been resolved. Once this is completed, other variations will hopefully become a reality to the restoration market.