As far as a NPS class, you'd almost have to include wedge powered cars, with tunnel rams and two four barrels. Again, no electonics. Foot brakes or trans brakes of even (GASP!) a four speed. However, I would defer to Kevin and that cat from Sewell, NJ for the rules deal. You just got to keep it authentic as possible.

I think there should be class for traditional type NSS cars, and then another for "modifieds", including cars until 1974, as long they appear nostalgia appearance. Single fours OK, no tunnel rams or funky hood scoops. Have the two winners face off for the eliminator. Again, no electronics.

I would also like to see us round up a car to match race Don Martek's gorgeous 65 Dodge run by Bob is a very "updated" nostalgia car, and would make a great match race partner for a similar car.

I've been to alot of these races, and the danger is making the rules too loose. If you do that, you have just another bracket race and it will flop, I guarantee it.

The reason BSD's Nostalgia events are so popular is that they are stringent on the rules and the events are very authentic. That is why they draw cars from as far away as Texas; and that is why they have spectators galore. It is really, really, true to the old days and it works.

You have to be a bit careful, especially if you are billing it as a Nostalgia event.

Last edited by Steve1118; 12/24/08 07:29 PM.

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