
Ok, being in the points last year means absolutely nothing... We were not in the points last year, but in 2007 I sure was (granted we only hit two races) but i still got in it. Like said before just because 8 people ran it last year, Im sure there are a few more on this board who intend to in the coming years. So with that said everyone has a say.

Kevin, do you know when Charlie or Eddie will be back, so maybe we can find out what is needed to pull something like this off?


First off, for you to say that being in the points means nothing, shows how little you know about putting forth the effort it takes to compete in the CC Events Series.. Why be so negitive towards racers who put a lot of time, money and hard work into what they love to do?
If that is not what you want to do...Great... So be it.... But do not try and diminish the efforts of those who are supportive of an all Mopar race Series...

Also there was a whole lot more than 8 car feilds in Max Wedge last year.......With well over 60 competitors in Max Wedge over the season and nearly 40 Hemi cars alone through the year..

All I stated was there were 8 Classic Events racers who weighed in on the poll.....Not really very representitive of the guys who run the series as the above factual numbers point out....

While some would have you believe that CC Events needs something more to survive, It takes cash and sponsors to promote, advertise and make events happen, That is something you just do not seem to understand, as well as what it takes to secure sponsorship...I can assure you, the Series will be back in 2009 and make the best of what it has..... Yes the weather and economy really hurt last year, but it will rebound as will CC Events.....

these guys are trying to prmote another avenue of racing.
1ST OF ALL, NENDRA HAS NO SPONSORS AT ALL AND ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY ITS about fun and racing with friends.who gives a crap about a few bucks.
i know that i could get a great NSS event going at Beaver Springs with high quality cars but im not going to waste my time and effort if no one wants to attend.
if you want to stick to your measly 4 races with CC then fine but im all about racing with quality guys and great cars having a great time.
maybe alot of you race 4 times a year, we dont. we try and get out almost every weekend.